Maggie and I met a few friends today at Bull Creek. I brought my camera as usual and snapped a few photos. I'm trying to get back on track with the Barklyn Park gig but have kind of lacked time to pull things together. Let me know what you think of these pics. Thanks!
I have felt kind of creatively dead lately, since I graduated from ACC's photo department. I guess we all go through a period where, for a long time we have been forced to do something, and even though we enjoy it, it is still somehow seen as a pain in the butt because it is forced. Then given the opportunity to do it on our own, it takes some serious determination. Most of the time we just don't do it at all. That has been my delemia. Fortunately, I have Maggie. The way she runs and plays in the water is kind of inspiring. How could I NOT want to capture the splashing water she kicks up when she chases a stick? She has been a sort of relief to my creativity. Today I was teasing her with a stick and I think she got sick of it so she barked at me and just laid down in the creek. It was real funny. So I used my brain and figured that if I hold the stick just above the camera, I could get this picture. Viola! It worked. Then batta-bing-batta-boom... a little photoshop later, and I am proud of the end result. Hope you find it inspiring:)
Maggie and I went out for a walk at Bull Creek today and I shot this picture of a new spring bluebonnet. I though I would share it with you all. Spring is full of good picture opportunities:) Hope you like it.
Seriously, she has to be the cutest dingo EVER! Maggie has evolved a new found love of fetch, and she LOVES the creek! We went for a hike along Bull Creek today in North Austin. This is one of my favorite pictures from our hike. Hope you all like it!
I think I understand why there are kids that drop out of college or find themselves confused after the first year of college life. Who on earth wants to take a full year of history, math, science, and english after they have taken four years of it in high school? It's so frustrating as someone just beginning a program to not get at least a taste of classes in a major I am interested in. Maybe it would help students decide their major before they get into their junior year, and then changing it because they decided they don't like it. And what if the school they are attending, where they have the major they thought they wanted, doesn't have the major they now want? After investing 3 years in a degree there, they have to transfer? How frustrating. I just think if colleges made it easier for lower leveled students to get into classes for their major sooner. It would keep kids interested in classes because they are involving themselves in new classes and not stuff they already took in high school.
So this is one of them. Nothing seems to be going right, and everything seems to be going wrong. If I can say anything to someone thinking of going on birth control, pay very careful attention to how the added hormones effect your emotions. I can't seem to stop crying today, and this happens to be the day I am suppose to start another month of birth control. I think my body might have a dependancy on the added hormones. The day began with a nice kiss from by BF as he left for work. A few hours later I got a phone call from him, of which I thought the content was to vent about some bs that happened at the station he works for because they are busy with sxsw. Much to my surprise, it was not. The editor of the magazine that I talked about in a previous post had emailed our entire conversation to the PR person at the station. The PR person in turn emailed it to Josh telling him he needed to write and apologize to the editor for MY actions. He called me irate. What a mess. What a terrible insecure spineless woman to email all of my correspondence with her back to the station. We had a huge fight on the phone. I am still crying about it. So to make myself feel better and I know Maggie wanted to go anyway, we went to the dog park. I put an extra compact flash card in my back pocket because I brought my camera with us. When we got home, I pulled the flash card out of my pocket and it slipped out of my fingers and landed in my cup of coffee. It is obviously destroyed. So from here, I have to work tonight. I hope my bad karma doesn't follow me there. I would just like to get through the night in one piece, without any assholes or kitchen mishaps, and hopefully dry eyed.
Thought I would share with you one of my favorite restorations. The original picture is one of my boyfriends grandmothers house when she was well enough to keep her gardens amazing. It was one of Josh's mother's favorites. Josh asked me to restore it for her. It was a fun project. I was quite proud of it.
Wow. That's all I can say. I can't wait until spring break so I can get some much needed R&R. I am super-duper tired. The drastic weather changes aren't helping either. I just want it to stay a perfect 62 degrees and sunny, with a slight breeze. Is anyone else just totally spent?