I woke up Wednesday morning at the usual time for class, 6:30, and noticed central Texas covered with this beautiful fog. I have a project due in class for a cd cover and packaging that just really reminds me of foggy Americana. SO with a short note to my professor, a quick cup of coffee and a bagel, and a fresh battery in my Nikon, I was off. I decided to head out to the little towns around Lockhart, Texas. Specifically Dale. It was amazing. I'm not kidding. Driving down back country roads with a camera, a cup of coffee, and an abstract mission, I felt like I was exactly where I should be. I might as well have been driving down the Dennysville road headed to West Quoddy Head. It felt that good. Funny how when I made my way back to the city, the beautiful fog had lifted, reality was much sharper, and all the muscles in my body tightened back up. Not a good sign.