Friday, February 15, 2008

Notes about Maggie's first day at Dogtown

Maggie went to doggie day care for the first time on Tuesday. They liked her so much, they decided to video her and put it on YouTube for me to check out! Nice folks, huh? Anyway, I thought I would share. I'm a shameless parent...


an1111 said...

Where is this place? It seems like such a nice place. My family goes out of town frequently so its hard to find a place for my doggie to stay.

©jenbrownimaging said...

it's on woodward, in south central austin, across from St Eds. They are

JakeT said...

Thats a cool video

angelica said...

what is the name of the dog that is gray in color?

an1111 said...

thanks! wow. this place is a lot cheaper for boarding than the place we go to now. and it seems a lot more fun.